To Search Using the Find Tool
1. Click > . The Find dialog box opens.
2. In the Find what box, type the text to search for.
3. Select one of the following definitions for the element to find:
◦ When finding an MCAD object:
▪ Part and Attribute name
▪ Part name only
▪ Attribute name only
▪ Construction geometry only
◦ When finding an ECAD object:
▪ Object and Attribute Name
▪ Object name
▪ Attribute name
4. To return only exact matches, select the Match whole word only check box.
5. To make the find case-sensitive, select the Match case check box.
6. Select whether to find all instances of a name or to scroll through the matches one by one:
◦ To find each instance of a name, click Find Next or Find Previous.
◦ To find all instances of a specific name at one time, click Find All.
The matches appear in the upper data panel and are highlighted in the graphics area and in the Structure Tree.