Modifying Font and Custom Variables Display of Cadence Schematic for Design Entry HDL Tool
Allegro X Design Entry HDL schematic designs contain font and custom variable information that you can read and modify at site level in the Cadence site.cpm file.
Follow the steps below to recognize and enable modifications of the site.cpm font display:
1. Ensure that the CDS_SITE environment variable points to the site.cpm or keep your changes in site.cpm at /cdsetup/projmgr/site.cpm.
2. Modify variables between START_FONTS and END_FONTS using Allegro X Design Entry’s > .
You can also modify custom information that appears between START_CUSTOMVAR and END_CUSTOMVAR.
3. Republish the schematic after you make modifications. The modified font and custom variable information is displayed in Creo View viewables.
• Information in project.cpm overrides site.cpm.
• Title block font size cannot be modified.
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