Using the Creo File
The Creo configuration file is used to automatically set Creo configuration options at startup. A configuration file can be used with the Creo View Adapter for Creo Parametric, but it must be located in the <setup_directory>. This is because proepublish, proebatch, and proeworker scripts all open Creo from the <setup_directory>. This is also why the trail.txt and log files are in this directory.
Windchill managed CAD configuration
Creo Parametric configuration can be managed from Windchill and delivered to each worker as a part of job payload. You can manage,
config.sup, and different library files, like pen tables files, fonts, drawing templates, and others. You need to package these in a specific order in a zip file, name the zip file as and upload it to Windchill Visualization configuration administration under
site/organization/product utilities. For more information, see
Serververwaltete CAD-Konfiguration in the Windchill Help Center.
You need to manually back up your existing configuration setup folder before using the server driven configuration.
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