Publishing Files Using the Command Line
This is the basic syntax for a publishing command:
<batch_script> [options] <ecad_data>
You need to install some ECAD tools in the machine running the batch script. For more information, see Supported ECAD File Formats.
Follow the steps below to execute the publish command for designs from other tools.
1. In a command shell, navigate to the directory with the ECAD data to convert, and then press ENTER.
2. Type the batch file name, a space, and the name of the design to convert, and then press ENTER.
To convert two or more files at once, type each file name, separated by a space. You can also use wildcards.
The files are converted using the batch script, and they are placed in the output location you set.
Publishing ECAD files using pvecad2pvs
You can find the file pvecad2pvs.exe in the Creo View Adapters installation directory. You can also use this utility for command line publishing of ECAD files. To receive help about the utility, run the following command:
pvecad2pvs.exe -h
Installation of ECAD tools also applies while running this utility. For more information see Supported ECAD File Formats.