Installing AEM
Install Experience Manager Server for Creo View Adapter for PDF by following the steps below.
1. On a server separate from where Windchill or the Creo View Adapter for PDF are installed, sign in as a local administrator and open the folder where the AEM archive is extracted to.
2. To start the installation for the Experience Manager Server, right-click \AEM_Server_install\run_windows_installer.bat in the folder where the downloaded archive is extracted, and select Run as administrator. The Adobe Experience Manager Forms language options opens.
3. Select a language and click OK. The Adobe Experience Manager Forms wizard opens to the Introduction page.
4. Click Next. The Choose Install Folder page opens.
5. Accept the default path or click Choose to select a new installation folder, and then click Next. The Choose Installation Type page opens.
6. Under Typical, select Turnkey, and then click Next. The My SQL Database Setup page opens.
7. Use the default Port number or type a new one. Click Test to confirm that the port available. A green check next to Test indicates that it is available.
8. Type a password in the Password and the Confirm Password boxes.
Make a note of the password you use, as you might need it in the future to access the database directly. This password is only for the SQL Data setup and does not change or expire.
Click Next. The JBoss Application Server License Agreement dialog box opens.
9. Read the license agreement, select I accept, and then click Next. The MySQL License Agreement opens.
10. Read the license agreement, select I accept, and then click Next. The Adobe Experience Manager forms License Agreement opens.
11. Read the license agreement, select I accept, and then click Next. The SDK License Agreement opens.
12. Read the license agreement, select I accept, and then click Next. The Pre-Installation Summary page opens.
13. Review the settings.
14. Click Install. The Installing Adobe Experience Manager forms page appears while installing. This might take a few minutes. The Release Notes page opens.
15. Click Next. The Install Complete dialog box opens.
16. Select Start Experience Manager forms Configuration Manager and then click Done. The Welcome to Adobe Experience Manager page opens.
To set up the server to work with Creo View Adapter for PDF, you must first configure the AEM installation. Continue to the next procedure for steps on configuring your installation.