About Exploded Views
Smart Explode is available for Creo Illustrate Standard and Professional editions.
Use Smart Explode to explode items, such as parts and subassemblies, to move them along a specified axis and coordinate system, from an anchor that you select in the figure. Smart explode moves each item in the Selection list in the specified direction until its bounding box is clear of any parts not in the Selection list. You can explode parts individually or coupled together. You can illustrate obscured elements or an assembly/disassembly sequence with Smart Explode.
If you include service reference-only items, such as 3D library parts and symbols, in a Smart Explode, they all move as if “coupled”; i.e., as a single object with a single bounding box.
You can use the Preset Explode function only if the source data has top-level explode states defined. Preset Explode is available for both editions of Creo Illustrate.