Defining Attribute Rules
Attribute Rules (<attr_rules>) are optional rules that define when an attribute appears in the attributes list. Use attribute rules to hide or to lock attributes, and to enable localization of attributes in illustrations. A standard can contain rules to control the visibility of attributes in the source data as well as to lock attributes at different levels. A list of attributes rules can be empty.
Attribute rules are defined in an xml file and must have the following header to be valid and recognized as attribute rules when adding to a standard:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Length Units
Length units must be defined for the attribute rules file. The following units can be set:
This is an example of attribute rule length units:
<attribute_rules length_units="MILLIMETER">
type—Sets the attribute type. Currently schematics is the only supported type.
<if>—The existence of an <if> statement is optional. A statement can contain one or no <if> and exactly one <then> argument. When <if> isn’t defined, <then> appears to all items.
and|or|not—You can combine conditions with boolean tags.
item—A condition that applies to items only.
item arguments
The type of the item. You can use regexpr if regexpr=true (optional).
The name of the item. You can use regexpr if regexpr=true (optional).
Use regular expressions in the condition.
The values of arguments (type/name) must be equal for the condition to be true.
Case sensitive when the statement is true.
This is an example of an attribute applied to an item:
attribute—A condition that is applied to the attributes of items.
attribute arguments
The name of the attribute. You can use regexpr if regexpr=true (optional).
The value of the attribute. You can use regexpr if regexpr=true (optional).
Use regular expressions in the condition.
Case sensitive when the statement is true.
then—A rule must have a then argument. Only add the argument when you want to apply the rule. It contains everything that the rule applies to.
then arguments
Add any number of effects to attributes (optional).
Set the lock attribute to true to lock it.
Set the attribute to false to hide it.
Enables localization of attributes.
This is an example of a then argument:
<rule type="schematics">
<item type="co*" name="*1*" regexpr="true"/>
<attribute visible="false"/>
<rule type="schematics">
<attribute name="*name*" regexpr="true"/>
<attribute lock="true"/>
<rule type="schematics">
<attribute name="name"/>
<attribute value="*2*" regexpr="true"/>
<attribute localize="true" lock="false" visible="true"/>
Continue to the next section for information on defining profiles.
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