Creo Illustrate Installation and Configuration Guide > Troubleshooting Tips for Licensing and Creo Illustrate Runtime
Troubleshooting Tips for Licensing and Creo Illustrate Runtime
This chapter documents common problems that occur when you install Creo Illustrate and PTC License Server. This appendix also provides general debugging techniques and cites other sources of information available from the PTC website.
Troubleshooting List
Skim through the following list of problems to find any that appear to be the same as the one you are experiencing. The information is presented in the following format.
Symptom: Describes the problem.
Cause: Lists the cause of the problem.
Solution: Provides steps to resolve the problem.
Cannot Connect to the License Server
Symptom: When you start Creo Illustrate, you receive an error message in the Startup dialog box.
Cause: The license server is not running or the license client cannot reach the server.
Solution: Verify that the license server manager and ptc_d daemons are running. A network problem exists if a license client attempts to ping the server by host name and the ping fails.
Invalid Licenses
Symptom: You receive the error message Invalid license.
Cause: Licensing information is inaccurate.
Solution: Return to the FLEXnet license editor and verify that the information entered is exactly as it appears in your License Pack. If no licenses are listed, return to the FLEXnet license editor and ensure no text is highlighted.
If all licenses are listed as invalid, verify that the PTC Host_ID in the License Pack corresponds with what you see in the FLEXnet license editor. For example, one server line and one daemon line represent a single server. Three server lines and one daemon line represent a fault-tolerant or Triad configuration. Remove all the lines that do not pertain to the PTC HOST_ID.
Your incremental lines must have no blank lines. Verify that all continuation characters (\) are at the end of each line, except for the last line. If some licenses are valid while others are invalid, find the invalid feature name lines in the License File window and correct the text.
If you received your license codes via e-mail, remove any extraneous text such as the header and footer. Another option is to delete the invalid license in the FLEXnet license editor window.
FlexNet Publisher Fails to Start (Triad Configurations)
Symptom: PTC License Server does not start after a Triad server is installed and configured.
Cause: The following requirement has not been met: two of the three partners of the Triad configuration must be running (Quorum) before licenses can be distributed.
Solution: Go to a shell window or a command prompt and change into the <FLEXnet_Installation_Directory>\bin. Type in ptcstartserver.
General Debugging Hints
The ptc.log file records license server activities and can be found in “\FLEXnet Admin License Server\logs\”. This file has useful information that you should check when you have a problem.
Setting Variables and Installing Tools for Troubleshooting
The Creo Illustrate installation includes software for troubleshooting. Install the software and set troubleshooting environment variables as follows.
Installing Debug Symbols
Debug Symbols is a bundle of files for troubleshooting Creo Illustrate.If Creo Illustrate crashes, the detailed information is gathered by the configured trace file instead of by the Windows default mechanism. Instructions for installing Debug Symbols follow.
1. Navigate to <installer_directory>\debug_symbols.
2. Double-click the installer for your platform: CreoView_Client_Debug_Symbols_64.exe.
The Debug Symbols Setup dialog box opens to the PTC Customer Agreement page.
3. Read the Terms and Conditions, and then select I accept the terms in the License Agreement.
4. Click Install. Debug Symbols is installed.
5. To read additional instructions required to start using Debug Symbols, select View the Creo View Debug Symbols usage instructions.
6. Click Finish.
You must set the corresponding environment variable to activate Debug Symbols. See the next section, Using Variables in Troubleshooting.
Using Variables in Troubleshooting
To aid in troubleshooting the runtime of Creo Illustrate, use these environment variables:
PVIEW_PROC_TRACE=<full or relative file path>\pvtrace.log—Generates a unique log file for each Creo Illustrate process running. The log file saved to the path you set is called pvtrace_<process number>.log.
PVIEW_CATCH_EXCEPTIONS=1—Works with Debug Symbols to gather troubleshooting information. The information is stored in the trace file defined immediately above. When you install Debug Symbols, you must set this variable.
Online Information
See for a wealth of how-to information for new and experienced users, including order and license support. The Customer Support Guide provides online tools and other support services. You can search the Knowledge Base of over 14,000 technical documents or download reference documents.
Customer Support Guide and Contact Support are available at the My eSupport page. For information on FlexNet Publisher diagnostic environment variables, consult the FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide.
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