Creo Illustrate > Advanced Editing > To Combine Parts
To Combine Parts
1. Click Tools > Edit Structure. Creo Illustrate enters structure editing mode, indicated by these application window changes:
The Home tab includes structure editing command buttons.
The primary panel displays the sBOM tree only.
The upper data panel displays the eBOM tree only.
The figure window is the Structure Edit window, and it shows a graphical representation of the eBOM CAD data.
2. Select a part, or parts, to combine.
If you select parts in the Structure Edit window or in the eBOM tree, click Home > Select sBOM to select the corresponding parts in the sBOM tree.
If you select parts in the Structure Edit window or in the sBOM tree, click Home > Select eBOM to select the corresponding parts in the eBOM tree.
3. To combine each selected part with its parent in the sBOM tree, perform one of the actions below:
Click Home > Combine.
In the primary panel sBOM pane shortcut menu, select the Combine check box.
The following behaviors and selection rules apply when using Combine:
It works from the bottom up. Combine is not available when the topmost node in the sBOM tree, Illustration, is the only node selected.
If a parent is not selected and all of its children are, Combine converts the parent assembly to a single part. (Child parts remain visible in the tree.)
If a parent is not selected and some, but not all, of its children are, Combine converts the parent to a kit.
4. To combine all child parts with their selected parent part; in the primary panel sBOM pane shortcut menu, select Combine All Children.
The following behaviors and selection rules apply when using Combine All Children:
It works from the top down. Combine All Children is only available when one or more parents are selected.
If you apply Combine All Children to a selected parent, Creo Illustrate treats that parent and all of its children as a single part. (Child parts remain visible in the tree.)
If the parent is selected, you do not need to select any of its children before using Combine All Children.
5. To separate combined parts, select them, and then perform one of the actions below:
Click Home > Combine.
In the primary panel sBOM pane shortcut menu, clear the Combine or Combine All Children check box.