Working with Sequences > To Create or Reverse a Sequence
To Create or Reverse a Sequence
A sequence is a series of animated steps. For example, a disassembly procedure for a motor. Figure thumbnails that contain a sequence are indicated by a sequence track .
To create a sequence, add steps to a figure. Steps you add are named sequentially by default, whether you insert or append them. For example, Step 1, Step 2, …Step n. After you add a step, you can edit its default name.
Each subsequent step starts as a copy of the figure at the end of the step before it. This means that the changes you make in a step determines both its end state and the starting state of the step after it. After you add a step, you can edit its default name.
You can reverse a step, sequence, or duplicate a sequence in reverse order.
To Create a Sequence
1. In the Figures pane, select a figure and then click Animation > Sequence. The Step Editor pane opens and displays Step 1. Step 1, also known as sequence Step 0, starts as a copy of the figure.
2. Make changes to the figure, or add information such as instructions, descriptions, tagged callouts, and symbols.
3. To add additional steps to the sequence, click Add Step.
To edit steps in a sequence, see Editing Sequence Steps.
To Reverse a Sequence
You can use the Reverse Sequence or Duplicate and Reverse Sequence commands to change the order of a sequence. These are useful when creating a disassembly sequence from an existing assembly sequence.
To reverse a sequence, select the sequence and then click Reverse > Reverse Sequence. The sequence is reversed.
To duplicate and reverse a sequence, select the sequence and then click Reverse > Duplicate and Reverse Sequence. The original sequence is maintained and a copy of the sequence in reverse order is created.