About Design Studies
Creo Simulate uses design studies to calculate results for an analysis or it uses an analysis to examine alternatives to your design. You can use design studies to determine the effect of design variables on your model's shape and behavior.
Performing various design studies provides information you can use to determine how sensitive your model is to a shape change as well as which shape changes make the most sense in terms of model behavior.
In a design study:
You specify one or more analyses for which you want Creo Simulate to calculate results.
You indicate whether you want Creo Simulate to calculate those results for the original model or for variations on the original model.
If you delete a component of a design study, you need to redefine the study.
To create and modify design studies, use Home > Analyses and Studies to access the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box. Select the Edit > Analysis/Study menu option to modify an existing study.
You can create, modify, or review the following types of design studies:
Standard—Calculates results for an analysis or analyses. You can specify different design variable settings for the analysis. You can create a Standard design study from the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.
Global Sensitivity—Calculates the changes in your model's measures when you vary a design variable over a specified range. Creo Simulate does this by calculating measure values at regular intervals in a design variables range. You can create a Global Sensitivity design study from the Sensitivity Study Definition dialog box.
Local Sensitivity—Calculates the sensitivity of your model's measures to slight changes in one or more design variables. You can create a Local Sensitivity design study from the Sensitivity Study Definition dialog box.
Optimization—Adjusts one or more design variables to best achieve a specified goal or to test the feasibility of a design, while respecting specified limits.
Creo Simulate adjusts the model's design variables in a series of iterations through which it tries to move closer to the goal while satisfying any limits. If you have not specified a goal, Creo Simulate simply tries to satisfy your limits. An optimization study with no goal is called a Feasibility study. You can create an Optimization Goal, or Feasibility design study from the Optimization Study Definition dialog box.