sim > Creo Simulate > References > Fundamentals > Chains and Surface Sets > Surface Sets > To Exclude Surfaces from Surface Sets
To Exclude Surfaces from Surface Sets
You can use this procedure to exclude surfaces either before opening a tool or while you are working in a tool.
1. Construct one or more surface sets using the active part. Creo Parametric highlights the surfaces.
2. Press CTRL and select one or more highlighted surfaces that you want to exclude from perform a modeling action. Creo Parametric constructs the Excluded surface set and adds the excluded surfaces to it. Notice that the Selected Items area indicates the selection and the Selected Items dialog box contains Excluded Surfaces.
3. Open a feature tool if one is not already open, and use the surface sets to create a feature. Notice that in a tool, the active collector contains the Excluded surface set and the Excluded Surfaces label appears on the model.
You can use Next, Previous, or Pick From List from the shortcut menu to select edges.