sim > Creo Simulate > References > Part Modeling > Datum Points > General Datum Points > To Create a Datum Point at a Curve's Intersection
To Create a Datum Point at a Curve's Intersection
Create a datum point at the intersection of a curve, edge, or axis with another entity such as a plane, surface, curve, edge, or axis.
1. Click Model, click the arrow next to Point, and click Point. The Datum Point dialog box opens.
2. Select a curve, edge, or axis. A default point is added to the selected entity in the graphics window, the new point is added to the point list, and the selected entity appears in the References collector.
3. To move the point to the intersection with another entity, hold down the CTRL key while you select the intersecting entity. When you click the intersecting entity, the datum point snaps to the intersection.
You can snap to the intersection with another entity by holding down the SHIFT key while you drag the handle.
You can unsnap the handle by right-clicking and choosing Unsnap on the shortcut menu.
4. Click New Point to add more points, or click OK.