sim > Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Reference Links > To Select Output Options for a Transient Thermal Analysis
To Select Output Options for a Transient Thermal Analysis
To begin with you must have opened the dialog box for creating a transient thermal analysis.
1. Click the Output tab on the analysis dialog box.
2. If you do not want Heat Flux calculated, clear the check box. Heat Flux is selected by default.
3. Select the density of the plotting grid.
4. Select an option to specify the Output Steps for which you want results—Automatic Steps within Range or User-defined Output Steps.
If you select User-defined Output Steps, different items appear on the tab. Skip to steps 7 through 10.
5. If you selected Automatic Steps within Range, enter a minimum time for the lower end of the time range for which you want Creo Simulate to report results for your analysis.
6. Enter a maximum time for the upper end of the time range or select the Auto check box.
If you have selected Automatic Steps within Range, skip the remaining steps.
7. Type a value for Number of Master Steps.
The table displays numbered rows representing the number of steps you selected.
8. Use the default values for each step to specify the spacing between steps or click the User-defined Steps button to enter values.
If you click User-defined Steps, you can click Space Equally to evenly space the steps.
9. Select the Full results check boxes next to the steps for which you want to save full temperature and flux results.
10. Select the Temp load check boxes next to the steps for which you want to save temperature load data for importing a thermal load or a temperature field into Structure.
You can click to save full results and temperature load data at all steps. You can click to clear the check boxes for all steps.