sim > Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Reference Links > To Exclude Elements From a Structural Analysis
To Exclude Elements From a Structural Analysis
You can exclude elements in your model from convergence and measure calculations during an analysis. This procedure assumes you are in the dialog box for creating one of these analysis types: static, prestress static, modal, prestress modal, buckling, static with contact, or static with large deformation.
1. Click the Excluded Elements tab on the analysis definition dialog box.
2. If you want to exclude elements, select the Exclude Elements check box.
3. Ensure that you select the Exclude option on the required IEAC mesh control.
If you suppress an IEAC mesh control or do not select the Exclude option on an IEAC AutoGEM Control dialog box, Creo Simulate does not exclude the elements that are grouped as the IEAC from the analysis.
4. Select the quantities that you want Creo Simulate to ignore in calculating results for excluded elements—Stresses or Stresses and Displacements.
5. If you want to limit the polynomial order for excluded elements, select the Polynomial Order check box.
6. Select the polynomial order at which you want Creo Simulate to stop calculations in excluded elements.