sim > Creo Simulate > References > Creo Unite > Using the non-Creo Data > About Maintaining Design Intents Across CAD Systems
About Maintaining Design Intents Across CAD Systems
You can open non-Creo models without creating separate Creo models and maintain the following design intent between Creo and other CAD systems:
Include the non-Creo models in Creo assemblies to complete assembly structures.
Retain the names of the non-Creo source CAD models to preserve the identity of the models in Creo.
Represent with near accuracy the model structures and configurations of the non-Creo data in Creo to preserve the data and structural integrity of the non-Creo models.
Continue to use the source CAD systems as the design tools of the non-Creo models.
Modify the non-Creo models in their source CAD systems.
Always access up-to-date non-Creo data.
Use as is non-Creo models that are designed in other CAD systems with the following purpose:
As reference for use in downstream applications.
Apply Creo functionality such as the addition of annotation features in Creo Parametric or load features in Creo Simulate for use in Creo applications.
Utilize the non-Creo data for the creation of downstream deliverables.
Utilize data that is created in multiple CAD systems in assembly designs using Creo functionality with some limitations.
Work in an environment where you do not have to monitor, manage, and synchronize changes between the non-Creo source CAD models and the Creo models.