References > Creo™ Schematics Installation and Administration Guide > Appendix > System Administration Information > UNICODE Font Support
UNICODE Font Support
You can insert or read out-of-locale characters and symbols using True Type, Open Type, or certain specific PTC fonts. When using True Type or Open Type fonts, make sure to install and store these fonts locally on all machines where you retrieve objects with text from multiple locales. You can then set the value of the pro_font_dir configuration option to this directory for an application to use these fonts.
Out-of-locale text support is also available through a number of PTC fonts. The table below identifies the fonts along with the locales that they support.
Font name
Supported locale
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
All these fonts are located under <creo_loadpoint>\Common Files\<datecode>\text within the folder of the respective locale. Additionally, these fonts are copies of the ‘font’ font files that are available in each locale. The purpose of these fonts is to allow unambiguous out-of-locale access to all the default PTC fonts that are currently referred to as ‘font’. If the text is displayed in the ‘font’ font, to display it correctly and consistently across all locales, change the text to use the applicable ‘font_<locale>’ font.