References > Creo™ Schematics Installation and Administration Guide > Appendix > License Management Software > Simplified License Management Process > License Simplification—Technical Information
License Simplification—Technical Information
License simplification has changed the license file format.
FlextNet Publisher Version 11.13 is shipped with Creo 4.0. However, Creo 4.0 can use FlexNet Publisher version 10.8.x or later for license simplification.
The license simplification process has changed the format of the FlexNet Publisher feature line in the license file in the following ways:
The SCN is no longer a part of the feature name and is moved below the SN tag in the feature line.
A new classification of floating license called a License Extension is available for all locked modules and extensions. This new classification is identified by the keyword STARTUP in the Vendor String.
License extensions are available for checkout only at runtime, that is, when starting a base license. You cannot add or release the License Extension within a Creo application.
The following license file is an example of a license-to-run license and a floating license bundle under the license simplification scheme.
INCREMENT PROE_Engineer ptc_d 33.0 01-nov-2011 1 \
LO=(0,3,6,7,10,17,32,34,40,45,48,51,55,61,62, \
66,69,71,73,77,97,106,108,115,126,127,128,133,135,137, \
158,163,188,191,210)" \
ISSUER=PTC ISSUED=01-sep-2006 NOTICE="PTC_customer" \
SN=SCN12344,SCN765431 SIGN2="169C A28A \
E97F E96E 0A3E 563B FDEB 4510 829E 4BF4 25D3 2394 \
0444 2FD4 6C23 0168 A8A5 AEBE 54B0 1FF6 B79B DC75 \
2014 A278 33CC 1B90 8647 6A12 F4D6 45BF"
INCREMENT 10108 ptc_d 33.0 01-nov-2011 1 \
1C75006B8512AA3C4EBE VENDOR_STRING="VSVER=2.0 LO=()" \
ISSUER=PTC ISSUED=01-sep-2006 NOTICE="PTC_customer" \
SN=SCN12344,SCN765431 SIGN2="1A34 408F 40D4 749F 5980 \
2DFE 15B0 0FAF 0ED7 A5F5 DCEA E318 6529 2E27 A055 \
1A21 F766 D9E1 F7AB BD1F 993E B3B2 2975 E46C 06AC \
6304 25AD E576 9E37 8794"
INCREMENT PROBUNDLE_10108 ptc_d 33.0 01-nov-2011 99999 \
LO=(6,32,56,91,92,94,104,131)" SUPERSEDE \
ISSUED=01-sep-2006 SIGN2="14A8 7CE3 57D9 1246 D07F \
3610 E235 2120 4322 A874 681C 282B 5449 3150 BC5A \
0867 853D FE8E F8E9 9E29 6CD1 987C 4A8D 0024 BDAA \
AEBC 065B 9530 3AAB 441D"
Using PTC Installation Assistant, you can define startup commands with additional license extensions or floating options. When you add license extensions, or floating options, to a startup command, a value is assigned to the <APP>_FEATURE_NAME variable. APP in the variable can be one of PROE, DMA, or SIM depending on the Creo application that you have installed. This variable is defined in the application startup command.
During a session, if a license is lost and you try to recover the license-to-run, the Creo application attempts to reacquire the license-to-run and all other options specified in the startup command.
The output of the Ptcstatus utility provides the location of the SCN in the license file. You can use the Ptcstatus utility in two modes:
Normal mode—Run the Ptcstatus utility at the command line without any arguments.
Verbose mode—Run the Ptcstatus utility at the command line with the -v argument.
ptcstatus -v
The following output illustrates the difference between the two Ptcstatus utility modes: