References > Creo™ Schematics Installation and Administration Guide > Appendix > License Management Software > License Borrowing
License Borrowing
With license borrowing for all supported platforms, you can run Creo applications on clients without being connected to the license server. The license server must be running FlexNet Publisher 10.8.x or later and must use the License Pack of version 33 or later. With license borrowing, you can:
Choose from a pool of available licenses
Specify the expiration date of the license
Work remotely on design and manufacturing projects
The appearance of the BORROW keyword on the feature line in the license file indicates that the license is borrowable. If this keyword is missing, contact PTC License Management to regenerate your license file for a borrowable license. An example of a license file with the BORROW keyword follows:
INCREMENT PROE_Engineer ptc_d 33.0 01-nov-2011 1 \
LO=(0,3,6,7,10,17,32,34,40,45,48,51,55,61,62, \
66,69,71,73,77,97,106,108,115,126,127,128,133,135,137, \
158,163,188,191,210)" SUPERSEDE vendor_info="VIVER=1.0 EXTERNAL_NAME=" \
ISSUER=PTC ISSUED=01-sep-2006 BORROW=264 NOTICE="PTC_customer" \
SN=SCN12344,SCN765431 SIGN2="123F 6758 5955 8D78 \
F718 4995 3F6F EA5B F56A 2759 6A9A F6B3 773A F2B9 \
0F31 0219 EC28 6D28 0345 4971 B5C4 8835 7E88 28A6 \
7581 8191 BB82 CB3D 8BF8 8282"