Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Importing and Exporting Designs > To Export Sheets to a PDF File
To Export Sheets to a PDF File
1. In an open design click File > Export > PDF. The Export Environment for PDF dialog box opens to the General tab.
2. Type a name for the export file or click Select File to browse to an existing file or to change the export directory.
The default Export Directory is set in the Set default locations page of the Creo Schematics Options dialog box.
3. Click a check box to set the following Security options for viewing the files:
Require password—Requires a password to open the PDF. Type and confirm a password.
Restrict operations—Restricts specified options when viewing the PDF. Type and confirm a password and click the check box of any of the following options:
Allow printing—Allows printing the PDF.
Enable copying—Enables copying content of the PDF.
Enable text access—Enables text access for screen readers. This option is only necessary when the copying option is disabled.
Allow changes—Indicates changes allowed to the exported PDF. Select an option from the list.
None—Allows viewing the document.
Filling in forms and signing—Allows filing in forms, creating templates, and adding a digital signature.
Inserting, deleting and rotating pages—Allows inserting and deleting, and rotating pages and creating bookmarks and thumbnails.
Commenting, filling in forms fields and signing—Allows adding or editing comments, filling in forms, creating template pages, and adding a digital signature.
Any, except extracting pages—Allows all actions except extracting document content.
4. Type Description information. You can define a title, author, subject, and keywords for the document.
5. Select an option for Color presentation:
Color—Creates the PDF in full color..
Grayscale—Creates the PDF is shades from black to white to represent different colors.
Monochrome—Creates the PDF in black and white.
6. Select a option to Export layers:
Visible layers—Exports visible layers only.
Visible and hidden layers—Exports visible and hidden layers.
7. Select a Sheet contents option to scale graphics on the design sheets:
Do not scale—Clips graphics that extend beyond the defined sheet size.
Fit to sheet—Scales contents to fit within the sheet dimensions.
8. Click the Stroke labels or text containing special characters check box to export special characters as stroked graphics.
9. Click Sheets. The Sheets tab displays.
10. Select an option for exporting sheets:
All—Exports all sheets in the design.
Current—Exports the current sheet.
Selected—Exports the sheets selected in the Selected Sheets list.
11. Click an arrow to the left of the Selected Sheets list to change the order of the selected sheets in the export file.
12. Click Layers. The Layers tab displays. To change the default layer mapping select the PDF layer and type a new one.
13. Click Line Fonts. The Line Fonts tab displays. To change the PDF line font mapping, select it and choose a new one from the list.
14. Click OK.