Loading Diagram Functions to Creo Schematics
The following Diagram functions are not loaded to Creo Schematics:
• Ladder diagrams—Ladders cause the process to fail.
• Rails—Rails in a diagram cause the process to fail.
• Highways—Both ends of a fibershape segment in a design can not be connected to the same highway. Wire segments connected to a highway at both ends are ignored.
• Labels and leader lines—Arrows on leader lines are not loaded. When the character cannot be mapped, special characters in notes are mapped as a period (.).
• Splices—Through splices created in Diagram are not exported. They have no recognized attachment between the wire and the splice. Butt splices are imported correctly since all wires terminate at the splice.
• Templates—Templates are not loaded.
The following Diagram functions are loaded with changes:
• Spools—Spools are loaded as datasets in a single datatable.
• Grouping of objects on multiple layers—Objects in a design can only have a single layer. Objects on more than one layer are mapped to the first layer encountered.
• Tables—Table data is loaded as static data and not updatable. Table title blocks are not loaded.
• Symbol groupings—A single artifact with an empty catalog shape is created. The instances match the required symbol content. When the symbol contains nodes, ports are placed in a line in the catalog shape.
• Scaled Symbols—Symbols are sometimes scaled on Diagram sheets. When the sheet is loaded to a design the symbol remains scaled on design sheet, but not in the catalog. Therefore the symbol in the catalog may appear larger than the instance of the symbol placed in the design.
• Cables—In Diagram, cable parameters are stored in spool. When the cable spools are loaded a design, a dataset and membermap are created for the cable. In a membermap, the conductor has a name that is assigned to it when the membermap is applied. When the cable is loaded from Diagram, the names are not assigned to conductors in order to maintain the unique Diagram names. A name is assigned automatically when you save the membermap as a CSV file and reload it. For the cable conductors to have the same names in Creo Schematics as they have in Diagram, you must create a new dataset and name the fibers in the membermap.
• Sheet names—Diagram sheets are numbered sequentially and do not have names. The number is mapped as the sheet name.
• Duplicate names—Duplicate names are not allowed. When several symbol definitions have the same name, the load process appends a number (name_#) to make the name unique.
• File paths—Symbol definitions in Diagram can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. The system cannot decide automatically what the correct path should be. It is your responsibility to move items to the correct folder. It is recommended to move items submitted to the Central Catalog in the folder structure on disk and not individually using the Catalog Explorer. The following table is an example folder structure in Diagram and the respective folder structure in Creo Schematics.
Creo Parametric Diagram Folder Path
Creo Schematics Folder Path
SymbolDefinition name="PCTMEG_LL"
SymbolDefinition name="PCTMEG_ARRAY_1-8"