Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Working with Designs > Instancing Catalog Objects > About Instancing Fiber Stubs
About Instancing Fiber Stubs
Fibers that do not draw the connection line between the connected ports are called fiber stubs. To instance a fiber stub, you must have a fiber shape that uses the Null line line style in your catalog.
When you instance a fiber stub using the standard instancing tool, you actually place individual fibershapes of the fiber. Each fibershape represents a port on the fiber. However, there is nothing that represents the joining segment between the ports.
By default, the instancing tool works as follows:
First click—Creates a fiber with two ports and a single segment and then places a stub shape that represent the first port on the sheet.
Second click—Creates a second stub shape that represents the second port.
Third click—Creates a new fiber with two ports and a single segment.
Fourth click—Places a second stub shape that represents the second port.
When you use the New Instance and Same Instance commands to instance fibers, you can place only one end of the fiber, or you can create a fiber with two segments and place all three ports, and so on.