What's New: Creo Parametric > Detailed Drawings > Improved Performance for Large Assemblies in Detailed Drawings
Improved Performance for Large Assemblies in Detailed Drawings
Hidden line removal (HLR) calculations that take advantage of hardware with multiple cores or processors are further optimized for large assembly situations.
Release: Creo Parametric
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
The multithreading algorithm for Hidden Line Removal (HLR) calculations in drawing mode is further optimized for large assemblies. The high number of computations involved in HLR calculations are typically time consuming. These computations contribute significantly to the time it takes to perform commands such as opening a drawing, updating a drawing or drawing sheet, as well as most of the actions triggering a repaint of the drawing. Using multiple cores or processors saves time and improves efficiency when updating views of large assemblies.
Additional Information
The HLR multithreading is controlled by the detail option hlr_multithreading. For drawings created with Creo Parametric 4.0 or later, this option is set to yes. For drawings created with Creo Parametric 3.0 or earlier, this option is set to no. To enable this option for older drawings, open the drawing and set the option to yes. This will improve the future performance with multithreading.
* If the configuration option save_display is set to yes, viewable geometry is stored when saving the drawing. Therefore, HLR recalculation is not required when opening the drawing
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
This improves existing functionality.
Configuration options associated with this functionality:
hlr_multithreading—See Tips above.
save_display—See Tips above.