Piping > Routing > About Setting a Start Point
About Setting a Start Point
You must set a start point before you can route a pipe segment from one point to another, extend a pipe segment, or branch a segment into a pipeline at a specified point. A start point can be aligned to a reference pipe segment or plane. When you change the diameter of the referenced segment, the position of the start point updates accordingly.
Click Set Start to access the Define Start dialog box. You use the following references to set a start point:
From an existing point, an entry port, a pipe segment, or a pipe end.
From a fitting placed on a pipe end. The fitting must have at least one free port. The set start feature is placed on and references the free port.
From the corner of a pipe segment with a corner fitting.
Aligned to the edge of an existing pipe segment or to an existing plane.
On the free port of a valid pipe fitting, such as a branch fitting or an inline fitting. The set start feature is placed on and references the free port.
On a break point with a fitting as long as the fitting has at least one free port. The set start feature is placed on and references the free port.
You can route a pipeline from a Set Start feature only when you create it.
When the Set Start feature is placed on a free port, no point is created.
You can set a start point on a pipe segment that is not in the active assembly. From this start point you can route a branch pipeline to the active assembly.