Part Modeling > Engineering Features > Chamfer > Advanced Topics > Attachments > About Chamfer Attachment Types
About Chamfer Attachment Types
After you create your chamfer, the chamfer geometry is attached to your model using an attachment type. Using the Options tab, you can view the current attachment type or change the way in which your chamfer is attached by defining a different attachment type.
The Options tab provides the following options:
Solid—Create the chamfer feature as a solid that intersects the existing geometry. This attachment type is available only if you select solids as chamfer set references. This is selected by default if you select solids as chamfer set references.
Surface—Create the chamfer feature as a surface that does not intersect the existing geometry. This attachment type is available only if you select solids as chamfer set references. This is not select by default.
New quilt—Create the chamfer feature as a new quilt. This attachment type is available only for surface chamfer set references. This is selected by default if you select different surface quilts or both a solid and a quilt as chamfer set references.
Same quilt—Create the chamfer feature as a surface that merges with the reference quilt. This attachment type is available only for surface chamfer set references. This is selected by default if you select chamfer set references from the same surface quilt.
Create end surfaces—Create end surfaces to cap all of the chamfer piece ends of the chamfer feature. This check box is available only if you select valid geometry and the Surface or New quilt attachment types. This is not selected by default.
Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping surfaces. If not, the chamfer piece ends cannot be capped. For example, an L-shaped open quilt cannot be capped.
This check box is different from the Capped check box on the Edge Chamfer tab and the Capped shortcut menu command. The latter two enable you to create end surfaces to cap the gaps between active transition and part geometry.
You cannot cap chamfers between a solid surface and a quilt surface.
Using End Surfaces to Resolve Chamfer Failures
If your chamfer geometry has failed because it cannot be attached to the part, change the attachment type on the Options tab from a Solid to Surface. This enables you to save problematic chamfer geometry as a quilt until you can resolve the geometry errors. After you resolve the errors, you can create a new solid chamfer from the quilt by using the Solidify tool (Model > Solidify).