Mold Design and Casting > Working with Volumes > Gathering Volumes > Displaying the Volume Definition > To Display the Volume Definition
To Display the Volume Definition
1. In the Model Tree, click the mold volume or die volume and select Redefine Mold Volume or Redefine Die Volume from the mini toolbar. The Edit Mold Volume or the Edit Die Volume tab opens, respectively.
2. Click Gather Volume > Show Volume to display the gathered volume.
3. To view the changes, repaint the screen and click Show Volume again.
4. After you click Done on the VOL GATHER menu, the volume you have defined appears in magenta.
5. You can add and remove elements of volume using Sketch, offset the sides, round some edges, and so on.
When regenerating, the system treats each "chunk" of volume as a separate feature. For example, if you gather references, add a sketched volume, and offset walls, three features are added.