Creo Harness Manufacturing > Creo Harness Manufacturing > Planning and Modelling Considerations > To Update a Harness Manufacturing Drawing Managed Using Windchill
To Update a Harness Manufacturing Drawing Managed Using Windchill
You can use HMX to edit and update harness drawings for the harness assemblies that are managed in Windchill database.
1. Check out the wire harness assembly and the HMX drawing to be changed.
2. Modify the harness assembly.
3. Open the HMX drawing and close it. The drawing will remain in session.
4. Click Applications > Harness Mfg. A message displays the name of the HMX drawing that will be updated.
5. Click Yes in the message box to set the session drawing as the drawing to be updated for modifications in the harness assembly.
* Select No if you do not want to update the indicated drawing.
6. In the Harness Manufacturing Extension dialog box, the Filename box shows the drawing name.
If multiple drawings are in session, HMX will display a message for each drawing till you select Yes for a drawing or all drawing names have been displayed.
If the drawing in session has the default HMX drawing name as HMX_DRWM, it will be overwritten.
7. Click Flatten Harness.
The harness manufacturing drawing is updated with the new harness drawing, BOM, Wire List, and Cavity tables.
8. Check-in the drawing into Windchill.
You can rename the harness manufacturing drawing and harness assembly. Set the configuration option let_proe_rename_pdm_objects to yes to be able to rename the drawing and harness assembly.
The default HMX drawing template does not contain any Windchill database parameters. To display these parameters, the database parameters should be embedded into the template.
Manual drawing updates are not retained when HMX updates a harness drawing.
HMX does not automatically checks in the drawing or wire harness assembly into Windchill.