Diseños eléctricos > Setup Options for Diagram > Diagram-Specific Drawing Setup Options
Diagram-Specific Drawing Setup Options
These Drawing Setup options apply specifically to Diagram.
Label Position
Position of labels on wire lines. Can be START, MIDDLE, END or any combination separated by commas.
Measures the gap erased from a wire on each side of a label, when labels are inside wires. Real number (floating point).
If YES, the wire label is always parallel to the wire, if NO, labels are always parallel to the orientation of the sheet.
Sets the size of the wire break symbol. There is a certain limit for the value of break_point_size.
If the value is larger or equal to 0.0014 (=<0.0014), the cross (wire break symbol) at the wire break point displays even if it is very small.
If the value is less than 0.0014 (<0.0014), the cross (wire break symbol) does not display, but the number in the setup file is the one entered by the user.
Sets the default wire break label name. To create leading spaces in default wire-break labels, you must enter two sets of quotation marks before the spaces (such as, "sht&wire_opp_sheet"); otherwise, the system does not accept the syntax as input, and does not create the leading spaces in the label.
Sets the default string to display in the wire label.
Sets the default wire label style, which is a user-defined text style.
Sets the default wire line style, which is a user-defined text style or a system line style.
Defines the increment numerical value between two consecutively created wires. Used with wire default-prefix and wire-default suffix.
Defines the text prefix of default wire names.
Defines the start number or letter of the default wirename. If wire_default_suffix is 1, and wire_default_increment is 2, consecutive wires are named wire1, wire3, wire5, and so on. If wire_default_suffix is A, and wire_default_increment is 2, consecutive wires are named wireA, wireC, wireE, and so on. (Cannot contain underscores, dashes, or a mix of numerical and alphabetical characters.)
If Yes, the wire notes are set above the wire. If No, they intersect the wire. You can also enter a real number (floating point) for exact offset from the wire.
If cable_cond_from_cable is set to Yes, the value of cable_cond_delimiter is inserted between the cable and spool conductor name when forming the name of the cable conductor.
Defines the increment numerical value between two consecutively created cables. Used with cable_default_prefix and cable_default_suffix.
Defines the text prefix of default cable names.
Defines the start number or letter of the default cable name. If cable_default_suffix is 1, and cable_default_increment is 2, consecutive cables are namedcable1 , cable3, cable5, and so on. If cable_default_suffix is A, and cable_default_increment is 2, consecutive cables are named cableA, cableC, cableE, and so on. (Cannot contain underscores, dashes, or a mix of numerical and alphabetical characters.)
If you use the default value (DEFAULT), the name of the cable shows in the report table. Any other value is interpreted as plain text. For example, &cable_name has no special meaning.
Use this name for the cable symbol if the cable is shielded. The default value is SHIELD.
Use this name for the nodes of a cable symbol. The default value is "-."
If Yes, the conductor name is derived by concatenating the cable name, the value of cable_cond_delimiter, and the spool conductor name.
Defines the default cable note contents that appears when a cable symbol is created.
Sets the default cable conductor label name.
Sets the default contents of the rail label.
Sets the default rail label style, which can be any valid named text style that is user-defined.
Sets the default rail line style, which is a user-defined text style or a system line style.
Defines the increment numerical value between two consecutively created rails. Used with rail_default_prefix and rail_default_suffix.
Defines the text prefix of default rail names.
Defines the start number or letter of the default railname. If rail_default_suffix is 1, and rail_default_increment is 2, consecutive rails are named rail1, rail3, rail5, and so on. If rail_default_suffix is A, and rail_default_increment is 2, consecutive rails are named railA, railC, railE, and so on. (Cannot contain underscores, dashes, or a mix of numerical and alphabetical characters.)
Sets the size of the nodes displayed at attachment points between two rails or between a wire and a rail for printing and display.
Places the rail notes at a specified real number (floating point) above the highway. The default is .01. Enter NO to center the label on the rail.
Defines the highway label contents. This sets the highway label name. The default is no label. Enter &hway_name as a value to show the name; with the assigned prefix, suffix, and increment.
Sets the default label style, which can be any valid named text style that is user-defined.
Sets the default highway line style, which is a user-defined text style or a system line style.
Defines the increment numerical value between two consecutively created highways. Used with highway_default_prefix and highway_default_suffix.
Defines the text prefix of default highway names.
Defines the start number or letter of the default highway name. If highway_default_suffix is 1, and highway_default_increment is 2, consecutive highways are named highway1, highway3, highway5, and so on. If highway_default_suffix is A, and highway_default_increment is 2, consecutive highways are named highwayA, highwayC, highwayE, and so on. (Cannot contain underscores, dashes, or a mix of numerical and alphabetical characters.)
Places the highway notes at a specified real number (floating point) above the highway. The default is .01. Enter NO to center the label on the highway.
Sets the default parametric connector text height.
Sets the radius of the nodes. By default, the node radius value is DEFAULT. You can change this value as required.
Allow or disallow mirroring for PCs or associated text. (Yes, No, geom_only, text_only)
Sets content of parametric connector label.
Sets the content of the node label for parametric connectors. The value of this option can be text, a pin parameter, or any combination, including a user-defined pin parameter.