What's New: Creo Parametric 9.0 > > Fundamentals > Model Tree Enhancements: New and Updated Insert Commands
Model Tree Enhancements: New and Updated Insert Commands
New and updated Insert commands in the Model Tree improve the user experience.
User Interface Location: Right-mouse context menu.
Release: Creo Parametric
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What is the benefit of this enhancement?
The new commands improve the user experience when working with the Design Tree centric workflows, it’s quilts and body trees, and their contributing feature lists.
The new and updated commands for the Model Tree are:
Insert-Before—Inserts before the selected feature. This command is useful when working with design items.
Insert Here—Inserts after the selected feature. An improved user interface is available for the Insert-Here command for a better visual appearance of indentations.
When selecting features from the contributing feature list of bodies or quilts, you can now choose between Insert Here and Insert Before.
Insert-To-Quilt or Insert-to-Body—This command is available for consumed quilts and bodies, respectively. It activates Insert mode after the last contributing feature and before the features consuming the selected quilt or body (for example, Boolean), and then unhides and sets the body to default. After you exit Insert mode, the prior visibility state and the default body assignment are restored.
Additional Information
Insert Before and Insert-to-Quilt or Insert-to-Body cannot be inserted in the first location of a group or before or after the suppressed features.
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
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