What's New: Creo Parametric 9.0 > > Detailed Drawings > Detail Option to Control the Offset Distance between Dimensions Created for Common References in Drawing
Detail Option to Control the Offset Distance between Dimensions Created for Common References in Drawing
User Interface Location: N/A
Release: Creo Parametric
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
In Drawing mode, when you create a sequence of multiple dimensions that use a common reference, an offset is automatically created between those dimensions. This offset is created for improved readability. You can use the new Detail option common_ref_dim_offset_increment to control this default offset. After creating the dimensions, you can make further adjustments to this offset.
The Detail option has the following values: default_clean_dim_increment*, legacy, or any other positive number.
default_clean_dim_increment—Uses the value of the default_clean_dim_increment Detail option.
legacy—Applies an offset between the common reference dimensions that is twice the text height.
This enhancement provides you with a better control on the default offset created in the drawing. It saves time and mouse clicks to clean up the drawing.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration Option associated with this functionality:
Detail option common_ref_dim_offset_increment.
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