What's New: Creo Parametric 9.0 > > Part Modeling > Configuration Option to Control the Loading of .hol Files
Configuration Option to Control the Loading of .hol Files
Creo Parametric
You can now use the new configuration option hole_load_system_param_files to control the loading of .hol files. The configuration option has the following values:
yes*—Load the system-provided .hol files that contain the standard screw size parameters. You can specify an additional location from which to load the .hol files in the configuration option hole_parameter_file_path.
no—If .hol files that define both TAP and TAPERED holes are present in the location specified in the hole_parameter_file_path configuration option, then do not load the system-provided .hol files.
This enhancement provides you with better control when loading .hol files.
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No known limitations.
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Configuration option associated with this functionality:
hole_load_system_param_files yes* / no
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