To Use Multi-Resolution Surface Editing
Multi-resolution editing allows you to edit the same surface using a lighter mesh for larger changes and a heavier mesh for finer changes. To edit at different resolutions, it is recommended that you add enough rows and columns at the beginning of the edit to accommodate the expected modifications, and then activate or deactivate the rows and columns of the mesh as required.
1. Click Style > Surface Edit. The Surface Edit tab opens.
2. Select a surface to edit, and adjust the mesh density as described in To Edit a Surface by Manipulating Control Points.
If you change the Max rows or Max columns values after modifying the mesh points, the Surface Edit Row/Column dialog box opens. Click Refit to change the number of rows or columns and refit all previous operations. This will adjust all previous operations according to the new number of rows or columns. Click Delete to change the number of rows or columns and delete all previous operations. Click Cancel to keep the existing mesh size.
3. You can add rows or columns to get a finer control mesh to edit the surface.
Right-click the surface and choose Add Row or Add Column to add a row or column to the surface mesh, respectively. Continue adding rows and columns until the mesh reaches the density needed for further edits.
4. You can work with a lighter mesh by deactivating some rows and columns. Deactivating the rows and columns makes those rows and columns temporarily unavailable for editing. However, you can activate these rows and columns, if required.
Right-click a row or column and choose Deactivate Row or Deactivate Column to deactivate the row or column.
If any of the rows or columns are deactivated, you may right-click the surface and choose Activate All to activate the rows and columns.
You can also work with a lighter mesh by removing some rows and columns. However, this permanently removes those rows and columns and may have some effect on previously applied edits.
Right-click a row or column and choose Remove Row or Remove Column to remove the row or column.
If you remove rows or columns after modifying the mesh points, the Surface Edit Remove Row/Column dialog box opens. Click Refit to remove rows or columns and refit all previous operations, that is, adjust all previous operations according to the new number of rows or columns. Click Delete to remove rows or columns and delete all previous operations. Click Cancel to not remove rows or columns.
5. Select one or more mesh points, holding down the CTRL key to select multiple points. If required, hold down the CTRL key, and click the bar of a row or column to select all the points in the row or column. Drag the selection set to modify the surface.
6. Click OK.
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