Creo Interactive Surface Design (Style) > Curves > Editing Multiple Curves > To Change the Location of Multiple Points
To Change the Location of Multiple Points
1. In the Model Tree, right-click the Style feature that contains the curves to edit, and choose Edit Definition. The Style tab opens.
2. To select curves to edit, hold down the CTRL key while you click curves.
3. Click Style > Curve Edit. The Curve Edit tab opens.
4. Hold down the CTRL key while you select points on the selected curves.
5. Edit the location of the selected points using any of these actions:
Drag the selected points to the new location.
Click the Point tab, select the Relative check box to treat the x-, y-, and z-coordinate values as offsets from the original position of the points, and specify x-, y-, and z-coordinate values.
6. Click OK.
All these points are displaced by the same relative offset.
Snapping a point applies only to that point. All other points are moved without snapping.
You cannot drag constrained soft points that are fixed, such as points snapped to a vertex or a datum point, soft points at planar intersections with other curves, or soft points with plane offset constraints.
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