The Wrap tab consists of commands. It is used for the Wrap phase of facet modeling. Click > to open the Wrap tab.
Fill Edges—Adds volume over the selected facets of the model to define sharp features that may have been blurred during the scanning operation.
Fill Up—Adds volume to the concave parts of the selected area of the model.
Fill Layer—Adds a single layer of volume to the selected area of the model.
Push Shallow—Removes selected triangles by propagating through the selected area, and exposes the underlying triangles.
Push Deep—Removes triangles by propagating through the model until the point density changes.
Shoot Through—Deletes triangles in a straight line throughout the selected area, in a manner similar to drilling a hole.
Remove Webs—Removes triangles generated in the open spaces of the original point set while creating the wrap.
Inside/across box—Selects points, triangles, or facets that partially or completely lie inside the rectangular marquee.
Inside polygon—Selects points, triangles, or facets that completely lie inside the polygon.
Paintbrush—Selects points, triangles, or facets through which the stroke of the paintbrush traverses.
Inside ellipse—Selects points, triangles, or facets that completely lie inside the elliptical marquee.
Select by Length—Selects facets with an edge of length greater than or equal to the specified value.
Return to Point Phase—Returns to the Point phase from the Wrap phase, and opens the
Points tab. Available only when you import a new set of points, and is not available when you edit an existing Facet feature.
Cancel—Closes the
Wrap tab without saving any changes.