Creo Simulate > Reference Links > File Types Supported in Creo Simulate Standalone
File Types Supported in Creo Simulate Standalone
You can open a number of different file types in Creo Simulate standalone. This includes third party parts and assemblies. Click File > Open to browse to a file to be opened. Click Type and select the file format to be selected. The following is a list of file formats that can be opened in Creo Simulate standalone:
Creo Parametric Files (.prt, .asm, .g)
.drw and .frm cannot be opened.
Part (*.prt)
Assembly (*.asm)
Granite (.g)
Creo View (.ol, .ed, .edz, .pvs, .pvz)
Creo Elements/Direct (bdl, .pkg, .sdp, .sda, .sdac, .sdp)
IGES (igs, .iges)
VDA (.vda)
DXF (.dxf)
Neutral (.neu)
Simulate Results (*.rwd, *.rwt, *.mrs, *.xdb)
STEP (.stp, .step)
DWG (.dwg)
Creo Elements/Direct Drawing (.mi, .bi, .bdl)
ACIS File (.sat)
ACIS File (.sab)
Parasolid (.x_t, .xmt_txt, .x_b, .xmt_bin, .x-n, .xmt-neu, .xmt)
CATIA V4 Model (.model, .exp)
Adobe Illustrator (*.ai)
NX File (*.prt)
Inventor Part (*.ipt)
Inventor Assembly (*.iam)
Solidworks Part (*.sldprt)
Solidworks Assembly (*.sldasm)
JT (*.jt)
Rhino (.3dm)
CATIA V5 CATPart (*.CATPart)
CATIA V5 CATProduct (*.CATProduct)
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