To Define a Result Window
1. Click Home > New and select the results to display in native mode.
2. After you select a results file the Result Window Definition dialog box opens. In FEM mode, click Home > New to open this dialog box.
3. Type a name to identify the result window so that you can show or hide the window during your results session, or accept the default name.
4. Type a title that you want to display in the title bar of result window.
5. Select the design study for which you want to display results by clicking .
6. If the design study has more than one analysis, select an analysis from the Analysis option menu.
7. If Creo Simulate displays a step/combination table below the Design Study and Analysis option menus, select a load set, mode, time step, or frequency from the table.
8. Select one of these display types from the Display Type option menu:
9. Select a quantity from the Quantity option menu on the Quantity tab.
10. Select units for the selected quantity or accept the default principal system of units
Unit selection is not available for analysis created before Wildfire 5.0.
11. Select the Display Options tab and choose among the display options to determine the appearance and behavior of your model in the result window.
12. Select the Display Location tab and choose a location from the option menu. If you want to use all entities of a certain location type, select the Use All check box. To select a single entity, click the selector arrow.
13. To display the result window, click OK and Show. To close the dialog box without displaying the result window, click OK.
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