Creo Simulate > Reference Links > FEM Mesh Display Buttons
FEM Mesh Display Buttons
For fast access to the FEM mesh display controls, Creo Simulate provides these buttons on a drop-down list on the Graphics toolbar:
No Mesh—Removes mesh lines from your model. The mesh remains intact, but does not appear on your screen.
Wireframe—Turns geometry lines white and element lines yellow. The software displays all elements with boundary faces.
Hidden Line—Turns visible geometry lines white and element lines on visible surfaces yellow. Hidden geometry and hidden element edges are gray. The software displays all elements with boundary faces.
No Hidden—Turns visible geometry lines white and external, visible surfaces of elements yellow. The software does not display hidden geometry and hidden element edges.
Shaded—Turns visible geometry lines red and external, visible edges of elements blue. The software does not display hidden geometry and hidden element edges.
These buttons become available only when you work in FEM mode.
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