Mechanism Design and Mechanism Dynamics > Mechanism Dynamics > Using Mechanism Dynamics > To Prepare for Analyses in Mechanism Dynamics
To Prepare for Analyses in Mechanism Dynamics
Here are a few things to check before you run an analysis in Mechanism Dynamics.
Drag interactively—You can check the motion by dragging your model and observe the motion allowed by any of the joints, cam-follower connections, or gear pair connections. Mechanism Dynamics modeling entities such as springs, dampers, force motors, force and torque loads, and gravity do not affect the dragging action.
Define initial conditions—Click to define the initial velocity of points, bodies and motion axes. Use initial conditions to specify the velocity of an entity at the start of an analysis. You can define the initial position of the bodies in your mechanism by referencing snapshots. Use the Drag dialog box to specify the location of the bodies in your model at the start of an analysis.
Connect the assembly—Run an assembly analysis to connect the mechanism with the defined tolerance settings. When an assembly cannot be connected, you can either rerun it at a higher tolerance or redefine the connections.
Create measures—If you want to obtain a measure using Maximum, Minimum, Integral, Average, Root mean square, or At time evaluation methods, you must create the measure before you run the analysis.
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