About Impact Measures
An impact event measure reports whether or not contact occurs during an analysis. The contact may occur when a connection reaches its limits, or when two cams come in contact.
The software checks for an impact event at each time interval and reports a value of 1 if an event has occurred, 0 if it has not occurred. The graph of an impact event displays a vertical line of magnitude 1 indicating that impact occurred at a given time during the analysis.
You can create impact measures for the following types of connections:
Motion axis—Measure the impact when a motion contacts its limits. Before you create an impact measure, you must specify motion axis limits.
Cam-follower connections—Measure the contact between two cams. Before you create an impact measure, you must enable the liftoff option when you define your cam-follower connection.
Slot-follower connections—Measure the impact when a slot-follower reaches its endpoints.
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