Mechanism Design and Mechanism Dynamics > Mechanism Design > Using Mechanism Design Kinematics > To Add Modeling Entities for Mechanism Design Kinematics
To Add Modeling Entities for Mechanism Design Kinematics
Add servo motors—After you create your model and make sure the connections allow it to move correctly, you can add servo motors. Use servo motors to define the mechanism's desired absolute motion. Servo motors can be applied to motion axes or geometric entities.
Servo motors were called Drivers in previous releases of Mechanism Design.
Use servo motors in a kinematics-type study to specify position, velocity, or acceleration. A servo motor moves your model to satisfy the specified position, velocity, or acceleration requirements without regard for the forces needed or for interference between rigid bodies.
Because a servo motor defines the absolute rotational or translational motion of a motion axis, the motion axis loses the degree of freedom (DOF) associated with that motion.
Create measures—If you want to measure position, velocity, or acceleration using Maximum, Minimum, Integral, Average, Root Mean Square, or At Time evaluation methods, you must create the measure before you run the analysis. The other types of measure can be created after the analysis is run and can be evaluated when reviewing results.
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