Design Animation > Design Animation > Creating an Animation > Creating Key Frame Sequences > To Control Rigid Bodies in a Key Frame Sequence
To Control Rigid Bodies in a Key Frame Sequence
When a key frame sequence and a servo motor both try to move a rigid body, you can change the rigid body’s status to resolve the conflict.
1. In the Key Frame Sequence dialog box define a key frame sequence.
2. Click the Rigid Bodies tab.
3. Select the reference rigid body.
4. Select the rigid bodies to be controlled by the key frame sequence.
5. Select Required, Desired, or Unspecified for each rigid body.
The default status is Desired for all rigid bodies. The rigid bodies defined as Required or Desired move relative to the reference rigid body during the animation. The rigid bodies defined as Unspecified may move in an unpredictable way, if not controlled by another key frame sequence or by a servo motor.
6. Click OK to accept the key frame sequence definition. The new key frame sequence appears in the timeline.
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