About SCCA Servo Motor Functions
This profile is only available for acceleration servo motors. The profile changes over the time period as follows:
q = H*sin[(t*Pi)/(2*A)]
for 0 ≤ t < A
q = H
for A≤ t < (1 – C)
q = H*cos[(t + C – 1)*Pi/(2*C)]
for (1 – C) ≤ t < (C + 1)
q = –H
for (C + 1) ≤ t < (2 – A)
q = –H*cos[(t + A – 2)*Pi/(2*A)]
for (2 – A) ≤ t < 2
You must input values for A, B, H, and T (the value for C is automatically calculated).
A – Fraction of normalized time for increasing acceleration
B – Fraction of normalized time for constant acceleration
C – Fraction of normalized time for decreasing acceleration, where A + B + C = 1
H – Amplitude of the profile
T – Period of the profile
t – Normalized time, where t = actual_time*2/T
The SCCA profile stops when actual time = T. If the actual time is longer than the period, the profile will repeat itself.
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