Many fluid engineering components and systems have moving ,translational and rotating parts or walls. For the flow relative to moving objects, the flow passage is often unchanged under moving reference frames such as centrifugal pumps and impellers. For vane pumps and bearings, the flow domains move relative to each other, and the solid boundaries also move, deform, or both move and deform with time. As a result, the volumetric zones change. You should adjust the volume mesh of the computational domain to accommodate the geometric changes. In both scenarios, to define or redefine the flow domain and computational meshes, the motions of the moving objects such as wall boundaries for a flow domain are required. These are explicitly described or obtained by dynamic consideration (force balance).
Dynamics is a module in Creo Flow Analysis. To access this module, follow these steps:
1. Right-click Physics and click Select Physics Models. The Physical Model Selection dialog box opens.
2. Select the module Translation (1 DOF) or Rotation (1 DOF) from Available Modules. In the Flow Analysis Tree, under Physics, Translation (1 DOF) or Rotation (1 DOF) is added.
The module is explained as follows:
Physics—Terminology and equations used in the module.
Boundary Conditions—Specified conditions for the boundaries and interfaces.
Display settings—Settings related to the display of the module.
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