Piping > Drawings > Isometric Drawing Generation (ISOGEN) > To Generate an Isometric Drawing
To Generate an Isometric Drawing
You must first set the ISOGEN configuration options to use the ISOGEN interface generation tool.
1. Click Drawing. The Generate Isometric dialog box opens and prompts you to select a pipeline. The Selection tab is selected by default.
2. Under Select Isometric Drawing Type, specify the isometric drawing type. The options are:
Pipeline—Generates a pipeline isometric for each selected pipeline. Spec-Driven Piping writes data related to each selected pipeline in a separate PCF file and generates as many PCF files as the number of selected pipelines.
Spool—Generates a spool isometric for each selected pipeline. Spec-Driven Piping writes data of spools belonging to one pipeline into a separate PCF file and generates as many PCF files as the number of selected pipelines.
System—Generates a system isometric for each selected pipeline system. For each selected pipeline, the data for connected pipelines is exported to a PCF. If two or more of the selected pipelines belong to one network, Spec-Driven Piping ignores any pipeline data that has already been exported.
3. Under Reference Csys, click and select the reference coordinate system for the coordinate output in the PCF files. All the coordinates in the PCF file are based on the selected coordinate system. By default, the default coordinate system in the top assembly will be used.
4. Under Select pipeline(s), click and select a pipeline to generate the isometric. You can select pipeline features or segment features from either the Model Tree, the Piping System Tree, or the graphics window. Spec-Driven Piping displays all selected pipelines under Select pipeline(s).
5. Under Options, use the following boxes to override any of the ISOGEN configuration options. Note that any changes to these four options will remain in effect throughout the session unless you change them during the session.
Output Directory—The value of the config.pro option isogen_output_files_dir appears in the input panel. If you want to store the PCF file in another directory, click . The Select Directory to place output PCFs dialog box opens. Browse for the directory and click OK. If there is no value for isogen_output_files_dir, this input panel will be blank and all files generated by the interface will be written to the current working directory.
ISOGEN File—The value of the config.pro option isogen_mandatory_attr_file appears in the input panel. Click to select a different ISOGEN file. The Select ISOGEN File dialog box opens. Browse for the file and double-click.
Symbol Map File—The value of the config.pro option isogen_symbol_map_file appears in the input panel. Click to change to a different symbol map file. The Select Symbol Map File dialog box opens. Browse for the file and double-click.
Endtype Map File—The value of the config.pro option isogen_endtype_map_file appears in the input panel. Click to change the endtype map file. The Select Endtype Map File dialog box opens. Browse for the file and double-click.
Click Generate One PCF File Per Spool to generate one PCF file for each spool. The default is OFF, that is, Spec-Driven Piping writes the PCF data of all spools of a pipeline in one PCF file and generates separate PCF files for each selected pipeline.
6. Click the General Attr tab. These attributes are supported by ISOGEN and can be used to determine various isometric drawing options.
7. Under Specify General Attributes, click the System Attr tab. The following fields are optional ISOGEN system attributes:
Date—Specify the date. Spec-Driven Piping displays the current system date by default. You can change the value using the format --/--/--. The value entered here is written to the PCF file for the DATE-DMY ISOGEN attribute.
Project Identifier—Specify the project number or name.
Revision Number—Specify the revision number.
Area or Batch—Specify the sections of a project.
Replot—Specify the number of isometric drawings to be replotted.
Spool Prefix—Specify the spool identifier prefix.
Weld Prefix Erection—Specify the erection weld prefix.
Weld Prefix Fabrication—Specify the fabrication weld prefix.
Weld Prefix General—Specify the weld prefix.
Weld Prefix Offshore—Specify the offshore weld prefix.
8. Click the User Attr tab. These are user attributes provided by ISOGEN. Select from the option list to specify the user attributes. The list contains all the available user attributes supported by ISOGEN. They are MISC-SPEC1 to MISC-SPEC5 and ATTRIBUTE1 to ATTRIBUTE99. Select an attribute, specify a corresponding value, and ENTER. Spec-Driven Piping displays the attributes.
9. Click the Pipeline Attr tab. The attributes under Specify Pipeline Attributes are usually applicable to one pipeline but you can also use them for multiple pipelines. ISOGEN supports all of the following attributes, however, not every attribute is available from the Spec-Driven Piping model.
Pipeline Type—Select the pipeline construction type. All the valid types are listed. Note that you should be informed about the other ISOGEN pipeline construction types before changing this value to anything other than General.
Bend Radius—Specify the standard pulled bend radius.
Painting Spec—Specify the painting specification.
Tracing Spec—Specify the tracing specification.
Start Coords—Specify the pipeline replot start coordinates.
Specific Gravity—Specify the gravity of the pipeline contents.
Output File Name—Specify the name of the drawing output file. The value entered is used only when a single pipeline is selected. If pipeline isometric or multiple pipelines are selected, the value is ignored.
Highest Part Number—Specify the highest material list part number generated on the previous run of the pipeline.
Highest Weld Number—Specify the highest weld number generated on the previous run of the pipeline.
If you select multiple pipelines and data exists on this tabbed page (other than the default General in the Pipeline Type option), a message dialog box opens with following message:
Multiple Pipelines Selected.
Use data in Pipeline Attr tab for all pipelines?
10. Click Yes to export the data or No (the default) to ignore the data. If you click Yes, the Output File Name attribute is not exported.
Click OK to apply the specified options on the selected pipelines, create the necessary PCF files, and close the dialog box.
Click Apply to apply the specified options on the selected pipelines, create the necessary PCF files, and keep the dialog box open for further selections.
Click Cancel to cancel the action and close the dialog box.
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