Changing and Updating Material Codes
Use the sample files provided at
<Creo load point>\Common Files\help\sample_models\piping when working in this exercise. It is recommended that you create a copy of the
piping folder on your computer and
set up piping data before you start working with the tutorial.
1. Create an Auto-Selection file.
2. Update the Specification Directory file.
3. Create a pipe segment.
Create an Auto-Selection File
1. On the
Home tab, click
New. The
New dialog box opens.
2. Under
Type, click
3. Click OK to create a new assembly.
4. Click > . The Piping tab opens.
5. On the Piping tab, select the Spec Driven check box.
6. Click
Spec DB. The
Define Piping Specification dialog box opens.
7. Click
to create a new file. The
New File dialog box opens.
8. Under Type, select Auto-selection file.
9. In the Name box, type 1.
10. Click OK to open the file.
11. Under Select Stock Number Format, perform the following action:
◦ In the Keyword box, select MATL_CODE.
12. Under Select Material Classification Code Format, perform the following actions:
a. In the Keyword box, select MATL_CODE.
b. In the Delimiter box, select _.
c. In the Keyword box, select SCH_RATE.
d. In the Delimiter box, select _.
e. In the Keyword box, select SIZE.
13. Click
to add the displayed record to the Auto-Selection file.
14. Click
to save the Auto-Selection file.
15. Click
to close the current file.
Update the Specification Directory File
1. Click
. The
Open File dialog box opens.
2. Double-click piping_spec_dir.csv to open it.
3. In the Specification box, type 1.
4. In the Layer box, type 1_layer.
5. Click
next to
Auto Selection. The
Open dialog box opens.
6. Double-click 1.ptd to select it.
7. Click
to add the displayed record.
8. Click
to save the file.
9. Close the Define Piping Specification dialog box.
Create a Pipe Segment
1. Click
Create Pipe. The
Create Pipeline dialog box opens.
2. In the Specification box, select 1.
3. In the Size box, select 100A.
4. In the Number box, type abc.
5. In the Create SubAssembly box, select STEAM-ABC.
6. Click OK. The Create Pipeline dialog box closes.
7. Click
Set Start. The
Define Start dialog box opens.
8. Select ASM_DEF_CSYS in the graphics window.
9. Click OK. The Define Start dialog box closes.
10. Click
Extend. The
Extend dialog box opens.
11. Drag a dragger handle along the z-axis and click Apply. A pipe segment is created.
12. Click Cancel. The Extend dialog box closes.
13. Click
Piping Info. The
Report Pipeline dialog box opens.
14. Under
Type, click
to display the pipeline report.
15. Select the pipe segment in the graphics window.
16. Click OK on the Select dialog box. The INFORMATION WINDOW opens.
| The values for MCCS and STOCKNO are per the values defined while creating the pipeline. |
17. Close the INFORMATION WINDOW and the Report Pipeline dialog box.