Piping > Conversion > Piping Assemblies > About Converting Piping Assemblies
About Converting Piping Assemblies
The User-Driven piping design mode allows you to convert piping assemblies at any time in the piping design process using the Spec Driven check box. You can convert existing Non Spec-Driven or Spec-Driven piping assemblies to the other design mode on-the-fly and continue designing your piping system.
After setting piping_design_method configuration option to the User-Driven mode, the following actions occur:
If a piping assembly is not open, piping defaults to the Non Spec-Driven design mode. Select the Spec Driven option to switch to the Spec-Driven design mode.
If an existing piping assembly is open or after you open an existing piping assembly, piping switches to the piping design mode in which the assembly was created. The Spec Driven check box indicates the design mode. You can always convert the assembly to switch design modes.
Assembly Conversion Processes
Piping executes two different piping assembly conversion processes based on the piping assembly type.
Assembly Type
Conversion Process
Spec-Driven to Non Spec-Driven
In a Spec-Driven piping assembly, clear the Spec Driven check box. After this process, Spec-Driven Piping considers all pipelines as Non Spec-Driven.
All existing fittings will remain Spec-Driven.
Non Spec-Driven to Spec-Driven
In a piping assembly, click the Spec Driven check box. You must assign specification-specific data in the Convert Pipeline dialog box for each pipeline in the active assembly. After entering this data, the message area displays each pipeline and its conversion status. All pipelines must be converted to Spec-Driven.
All existing fittings will remain Non Spec-Driven.
The piping assembly conversion processes occur on a pipeline basis only. Fittings are not converted.
Mixed models are not allowed. Non Spec-Driven and Spec-Driven pipelines cannot be included in the same piping assembly.
Mixed assemblies are allowed. Non Spec-Driven and Spec-Driven assemblies and subassemblies can be grouped.
All existing line stocks are automatically deleted. The Non Spec-Driven mode permits different line stock assignments to each pipe segment.
Pipe solids failure can occur due to pipeline size changes.
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