Part Modeling > Datum Features > Asynchronous Datums > Copying Features with Embedded Datums
Copying Features with Embedded Datums
You can copy the feature with the embedded reference datums and paste the copied feature and the embedded datums into the same model or a different model. You can select suitable references for the embedded datum features while pasting the copied feature or retain the original references.
If you are pasting the copied feature in a different model, you can redefine the references by selecting new references in the new model.
If you copy and paste a feature with transformations and if the feature includes embedded datum features, the embedded datum features are also instanced or duplicated during the copy and paste operation. The datum features embedded in the original feature are not transformed, whereas the original feature is copied with transformations.
The duplicated datum features without transformations retain their relevant embedded locations in the resultant copied and transformed instances of the original feature. Their locations in the feature geometry are similar to the datum features that are embedded in the original feature. That is, the Model Tree displays the duplicated embedded datums as sub-nodes of the copied and transformed instances of the original feature. The copied and transformed instances of the original feature reference their corresponding duplicated datums that are embedded in them.
A feature with embedded datums that is copied using the Fully dependent with options to vary option on the Paste Special dialog box creates fully dependent copies of the main feature and the embedded datums. The new instances of the embedded datums reference the original embedded datums.
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