Creo Flexible Modeling > Recognizing Geometry Patterns > To Edit the Number and Spacing of Recognized Pattern Members
To Edit the Number and Spacing of Recognized Pattern Members
When you are creating a Pattern Recognition feature for direction and axis patterns, you can edit the number of recognized pattern members and the spacing between the members. You first select the Allow edit check box. When it is selected, the way that Pattern Recognition works is that the existing pattern surfaces are removed, and the pattern is recreated using only the surfaces that are recognized as part of the pattern. For this reason, it is important to select all the surfaces that you want to include in the Pattern Recognition feature.
1. Click the Options tab, and select the Allow Edit check box.
2. For 1st direction:
a. In the Members box, type the number of recognized pattern members in the first direction for a direction pattern, or type the number of members in the angular direction for an axis pattern.
b. Change the spacing by performing one of the following actions:
Drag the handles.
In the Spacing box, type the distance between recognized pattern members in the first direction for a direction pattern, or type the angle between members in the angular direction for an axis pattern.
3. For 2nd direction:
a. In the Members box, type the number of recognized pattern members in the second direction for a direction pattern, or type the number of members in the radial direction for an axis pattern.
b. Change the spacing by performing one of the following actions:
Drag the handles.
In the Spacing box, type the distance between recognized pattern members in the second direction for a direction pattern, or type the radial distance between members in the radial direction for an axis pattern.
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