Creo Flexible Modeling > Configuring Creo Flexible Modeling > Configuration Options for Flexible Modeling
Configuration Options for Flexible Modeling
yes*, no
Opens a notification dialog box when the result of a Remove feature creates a surface with a flipped normal, an intersection with non-adjacent geometry, or geometry check errors.
yes*—Notification is automatically sent.
no—Notification is not sent.
on, off*
Determines if tangency is automatically propagated.
on—Tangency is automatically propagated in all Creo Flexible Modeling features that support it.
off*—Tangency is not automatically propagated. Tangency propagation needs to be explicitly selected.
yes, no*
Determines if a propagation feature is automatically selected.
yes—The Creo Flexible Modeling feature automatically identifies, collects, and propagates a pattern/symmetry/mirror feature when it exists in the part.
no*—The Creo Flexible Modeling feature does not automatically collect a propagation reference. It needs to be explicitly selected.
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