Creo Flexible Modeling > Propagating to Patterns and Symmetric Geometry > About Propagating Creo Flexible Modeling Features to a Pattern or Symmetric Geometry
About Propagating Creo Flexible Modeling Features to a Pattern or Symmetric Geometry
When you create a Move, Offset, Modify Analytic, Edit Chamfer, or Edit Round feature, you can propagate this feature to some or all instances of a pattern, or to both instances of symmetric geometry. The following features are recognized for propagation:
Pattern Recognition features created in Creo Flexible Modeling
Symmetry Recognition features created in Creo Flexible Modeling
Mirror features created in Creo Flexible Modeling
Flexible pattern features created in Creo Flexible Modeling
Transformation patterns created outside of Creo Flexible Modeling (pattern types that are not Dimension, Table, or Reference)
When you select one pattern or symmetric instance and propagate the feature to the remaining instances, a propagation of the feature is created.
When you propagate a feature you are creating to a pattern, symmetry, or mirror feature, only the following attachment options are available:
Attach moved geometry
Create round/chamfer geometry
This also works in the opposite direction. When you select one of these two attachment options, you can propagate the feature to a pattern, symmetry, or mirror feature (the Pattern/Symmetry/Mirror Feature collector is available on the Options tab). If you select any other attachment options, you cannot propagate the feature.
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